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Fundne resultater: 1738
Create value with Lasernet for Microsoft Dynamics - Lasernet

Create value with Lasernet for Microsoft Dynamics - Lasernet « Software

(Hits: 301;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 22, 2015, Software)
Lasernet for Microsoft Dynamics AX and NAV is an input, output and document management software that can receive, format and distribute business documents.

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Business Intelligence and Data Visualization Software | Qlik

Business Intelligence and Data Visualization Software | Qlik « Software

(Hits: 301;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 14, 2015, Software)
Get best-in-class self-service business intelligence tools. Explore the latest data visualization and discovery tools from Qlik – the world leader in BI.

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Rainbow Software

Rainbow Software « Software

(Hits: 301;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 14, 2015, Software)
Rainbow Software udvikler Windows databaseprogrammer til ethvert formål.

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Dimension Software

Dimension Software « Software

(Hits: 301;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 27, 2014, Software)
Dimension Software is a software company. We offer a wide range of integrated and stand-alone products and services that makes it easy to manage all business processes in your company.

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Min-Mac. dk - Macintosh software, computerspil, nyheder og leksikon.

Min-Mac. dk - Macintosh software, computerspil, nyheder og leksikon. « Software

(Hits: 301;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 30, 2014, Software)
Læs danske anmeldelser af Macintosh software og spil - alt kan gratis downloades.

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Forside « Software

(Hits: 301;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 7, 2014, Software)
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Velkommen - OPAL Associates ApS

Velkommen - OPAL Associates ApS « Software

(Hits: 300;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 7, 2015, Software)
OPAL Barcode Shop - Barcode Scanner, Etiketprinter, Barcode Software, Avery, Axiome, Citizen, Datamax, Datalogic, Eltron, Intermec, Metrologic, Monarch, Opticon, PSC, Star, Sato, Tec, Toshiba, Wasp, Symbol, Zebra, Tsc, Primera, Macsa, Ebs

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Mill-tech « Software

(Hits: 300;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 19, 2015, Software)
Mill-tech danmark,mixer software,latexmikser,luftmålere, Siemens PLC programmering, dosering, automation,latex køkken,recept behandling,.Software for textile machinery, mixer service, mixer software, compensator, rewinder, rewinding, latex kitchen, la

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Default « Software

(Hits: 300;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 9, 2014, Software)
A site devoted to garden railways, paddle steamers, Danish garden railways and Scale-Q-lator the full size to scale conversion software.

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Room Acoustics | Noise Prediction Software | Sound Absorption | Acoustic Modeling | Loudspeaker
Reliable software for room acoustics simulation, auralisation and measurement. Supports major international acoustics standards.

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Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce « Software

(Hits: 299;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 10, 2014, Software)
Zen Cart! : - Hardware Software DVD Movies Gift Certificates Big Linked Test Examples Free Call Stuff Test 10% by Attrib Test 10% A Top Level Cat Sale Percentage Sale Deduction Sale New Price Big Unlinked New v1.2 Music Documents Mixed Product Types

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CAD software - Køb AutoCAD Revit software fra Autodesk her

CAD software - Køb AutoCAD Revit software fra Autodesk her « Software

(Hits: 298;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 5, 2015, Software)
Forhandler af CAD software og kursusudbyder i Autodesk - herunder AutoCAD, Revit og 3ds MAX Design. Også salg af hardware og øvrigt Autodesk tilbehør.

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***** PATENT * RÅDGIVNING * KØBENHAVN ØSTERBRO * LUDVIGSEN PATENT RÅDGIVER OPFINDERE om OPFINDELSER, ideer med henblik på at få patent via patentering. Vi er et ERFARENT PATENT BUREAU i mekaniske, elektroniske, elektriske og SW, software opfindelser.

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Welcome to StreamComputing Performance Engineers - StreamComputing

Welcome to StreamComputing Performance Engineers - StreamComputing « Software

(Hits: 298;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 10, 2015, Software)
Faster and better scalable software, higher throughput, less energy usage. Specialist in OpenCL, GPU-programming and GPU-training. That's StreamComputing...

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Forside | UVX

Forside | UVX « Software

(Hits: 298;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 7, 2015, Software)
Portal til UVX, som er indgang til lidt om os, samt et login til hostede systemer.

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(TIC) Technodan Industrial Controls - Automation, maskinstyring, servo systemer, maskinstyringer,
Software til avancerede PLC og maskinstyringer indenfor industriel automation. Alt fra PLC, HMI, SCADA, vision og servosystemer til dataopsamling og dataintegration.
First Mile | Smart Process Apps | Document Data Capture Software | Kofax
Kofax dramatically transforms and simplifies the business critical First Mile™ of real time, information intensive customer interactions. Combining market leading capture, business process management, analytics and mobile capabilities for a competit

MCM DESIGN « Software

(Hits: 298;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 1, 2014, Software)
MCM DESIGN develops scientific image analysis software, Imaging, OCR and TWAIN Toolkits for C++Builder, Delphi and ActiveX aware compilers.

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RFID tags, RFID læsere og udvikling af RFID software

RFID tags, RFID læsere og udvikling af RFID software « Software

(Hits: 298;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 22, 2014, Software)
Prosign RFID - Rådgivning og salg af RFID-chips, RFID-læsere og antenner. Udvikling og integration af RFID-softwareløsninger.

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Conscius as

Conscius as « Software

(Hits: 297;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 4, 2015, Software)
Since 1999, Conscius a/s has supplied business critical software solutions to the energy and finance sectors in Scandinavia.

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