Fundne resultater: 1738
Cockpit « Software
(Hits: 332;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 31, 2014, Software)
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Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Business Management ERP Software and industy solutions| agiles « Software
(Hits: 331;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 9, 2015, Software)
Microsoft Dynamics NAV - ERP Software and industy solutions -fresh food trading - wholesales trading - workflow - shipping - Microsoft Office 365 and QlikView| agiles
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SmartPharma. no « Software
(Hits: 331;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 9, 2015, Software)
Multiconnect PHP shopping cart is a software package that allows you to open an online store on the Internet. Easy integration of an online store into an existing website. No programming skills are required to modify the design of online store compone
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Metalogic AS « Software
(Hits: 331;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 2, 2015, Software)
Website for Metalogic ApS
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LinkGRC | Governance, Risk and Compliance Platform « Software
(Hits: 330;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 21, 2015, Software)
Founded in 2006 by Tomas Hellum as a privately owned company, LinkGRC is a Nordic leader in Enterprise Governance, Risk Management and Compliance software, with a strong focus on operational and IT risk management and financial services sector.
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Velkommen til DataMatrix ApS - Virtualisering, Virtualiseringsløsninger, VMWare, IT Totalløsninge « Software
(Hits: 330;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 28, 2014, Software)
Leverandør af IT totalløsninger. Datamatrix ApS tilbyder næsten alt hvad
din organisation kan have brug for inden for edb-verdenen: Serveropsætning, Exchange, softwareudvikling, økonomisystemer (XAL og C5) kommercielt software, PC hardware,
Gate2Prices. dk - Danmarks Bedste og Hurtigste Prisdatabase « Software
(Hits: 330;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 17, 2014, Software)
Gate2Prices - Danmarks hurtigste prisdatabase.
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Fakturaprogram og regnskabsprogram til mindre virksomheder. Hjælp til at spare penge på dit mobilab « Software
(Hits: 329;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 21, 2014, Software)
Fakturaprogram og regnskabsprogram til mindre virksomheder. Hjælp til at spare penge på dit mobilabonnement og låne penge!
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Vest Consult AS - en bedre verden med IT « Software
(Hits: 329;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 7, 2014, Software)
Konsulenthus med solide spidskompetencer
VestConsult yder professionel IT-rådgivning og ekspertbistand til udvikling af software samt design og installation af servere.
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QAtor AS | Life Sciences Compliance « Software
(Hits: 328;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 14, 2015, Software)
QAtor is a Quality Assurance Company Providing life Sciences with Lean-based software and consultancy to enchange quality and cost reduce significantly thus overall reducing their Total Cost of Quality
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Solar Inverters, Power Optimizers and PV Monitoring | SolarEdge « Software
(Hits: 328;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 11, 2015, Software)
SolarEdge's groundbreaking Distributed Solar Power Harvesting includes Solar Inverters, Power Optimizers & PV Monitoring for maximum energy production and faster return on investment
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LINK DATA SECURITY - Makers of fine copy-protection since 1982. CD-Cops, DVD-Cops, USB-Cops, .. « Software
(Hits: 328;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 3, 2014, Software)
With more than 30 years of experience in copy-protection and encryption. Link Data is making protection for CD, DVD, USB and web on Windows, Mac and Linux.
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Alt-N Technologies e-Mail Server, Email Spam Firewall, Fax Server - Software for Windows « Software
(Hits: 327;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 9, 2015, Software)
Alt-N Technologiesâ SMTP/POP3 Mail Server Software -- MDaemon Messaging Server, Email Spam Firewall for Exchange/SMTP Servers, Fax Server Manager for Windows
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Metalogic AS « Software
(Hits: 327;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 30, 2014, Software)
Website for Metalogic ApS
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Applications Home Page - Applications AS « Software
(Hits: 326;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 8, 2015, Software)
At Applications we design and develop high-quality software products for marketing, sales and commerce. We proudly serve a long list of both large and small clients. With more than 20 years of expertise in software design and architecture, our main fo
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SolidCAM CAM software - Leaders in integrated CAM - SolidCAM SolidWorks CADCAM software « Software
(Hits: 326;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 11, 2015, Software)
Leaders in integrated CAM Software - seamlessly integrated in SolidWorks. Time Savings 70% and more with the revolutionary iMachining CNC milling technology! Supports all CNC applications: 2.5D Milling, 3D Mill/HSM, Indexial 4/5 axes milling, Sim 5x
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ComputerSalg. dk - Din foretrukne leverandà¸r af IT-hardware. « Software
(Hits: 326;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 31, 2014, Software)
ALT i PC, software og hardware online! Kà¸b enten en stationær PC, gamer PC eller hardware online til billige priser. Uanset behov så kà¸b PC og hardware online!
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Lasse Groslash;nbech Power Electronics ApS gt;gt; Faring; konkurrencefordel overfor dine konkurr « Software
(Hits: 326;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 4, 2014, Software)
Udvikling af elektronik og eventuel tilhørende software, samt opbygning af prototyper. Assistance ydes af civilingeniør, Ph.D. via alt fra rådgivning til komplet udvikling af kredsløb.
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Licenser Microsoft 15 billigere, Cisco 45 billigere, Serwer HP 20 billigere, Proliant, MOLP, IB « Software
(Hits: 326;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 18, 2014, Software)
Senetic er nr. 1 sælger af Microsoft software. Vi tilbyder også firmaernes produkter til de bedste priser: Microsoft licenser, HP, IBM, 3com, APC, Eopen, MOLP, Procurve, Proliant eller Hp . Man finder en server her, men også hele it-systemet.
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3 monkeys software - demo « Software
(Hits: 324;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 10, 2015, Software)
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