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Fundne resultater: 205
Thermal Manikin - Overview

Thermal Manikin - Overview « human

(Hits: 267;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 20, 2015, human)
Thermal manikin for measurements on energy use, thermal comfort, clothing thermal insulation and heat transfer processes from the human body shape.

thermal manikin manikin comfort meter predicted mean vote thermal comfort clo value operative temperature
Per Wimmer - WimmerSpace

Per Wimmer - WimmerSpace « human

(Hits: 266;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 5, 2015, human)
Space Tourism, Space, Space Adventures, Virgin Galactic, Dream, Danish, Adventurer, Space Conference, Croatia, Split, Human Presence, International Forum

space tourism space space adventures virgin galactic dream danish adventurer
Copenhagen Suborbtials - launching a human being into space

Copenhagen Suborbtials - launching a human being into space « human

(Hits: 264;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 4, 2015, human)
Copenhagen Suborbitals are a manned, amateur space program. We launch our rockets from a ship in the Baltic Sea. It's completely crowd funded and nonprofit.
RayGuard Human Firewall | Strengthens and Protects the Life Force | www. humanfirewall. com
Human Firewall

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Mads Jensen - Statsautoriseret Revisor

Mads Jensen - Statsautoriseret Revisor « human

(Hits: 258;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 20, 2015, human)
Jeg står for en høj faglig integritet, der i kombination med en dyb forretningsforståelse betyder optimale løsninger for kunderne.

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Septigon-modellen « human

(Hits: 257;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 12, 2015, human)

maritime human factors human element human error maritime safety ergonomics
Lucky You

Lucky You « human

(Hits: 256;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 21, 2015, human)
From director Curtis Hanson (L.A. Confidential, Wonder Boys, 8 MILE) comes a story of human relationships set in the high-stakes world of Las Vegas. Eric Bana, Drew Barrymore, and Robert Duvall star.

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Kropsbehandling, yoga, lindring af smerter, massage - Human Being Center
Dit velvære er i fokus hos Human Being Center. Bestil tid til kropsbehandling, yoga, massage eller psykoterapi. Læs mere om behandlingerne her

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Human Design

Human Design « human

(Hits: 255;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 25, 2015, human)
Design af inventar, møbler, butikker og huse samt projektstyring. Vi er en tegnestue der tror på de små detaljer der gør en forskel. Alle detaljer tager udgangs punkt i pris, design. Kig ind eller ring om din opgave.

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Udvikling - healing - sangterapi

Udvikling - healing - sangterapi « human

(Hits: 255;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 15, 2015, human)
PowerDesignMetoden - en hjælp til personlig udvikling og ekspansion. Din investering for livet gennem spirituel udvikling ved hjælp af den musiske PowerDesignMetode.

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HALLE « human

(Hits: 252;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 15, 2015, human)
+HALLE is a Danish furniture brand that provides human beings time and space through the creation of furniture for public spaces like airports, corporate offices,hospitals, libraries, museums and educational institutions - all the places people attend

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Human league - the black hit of space web site

Human league - the black hit of space web site « human

(Hits: 252;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 11, 2014, human)
human league - phil oakey`s discography , concerts , music , dvd , video
Velkommen Gaarn Thomsen og Partners

Velkommen Gaarn Thomsen og Partners « human

(Hits: 250;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 27, 2015, human)
Gaarn Thomsen og Partners A/S blev etableret i 1986 for at gennemføre unikke løsninger inden for Human Resource området: Rekruttering - Executive Search - Ledelse og Resultatforbedring - Outplacement.

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HALLE « human

(Hits: 248;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 15, 2015, human)
+HALLE is a Danish furniture brand that provides human beings time and space through the creation of furniture for public spaces like airports, corporate offices,hospitals, libraries, museums and educational institutions - all the places people attend

lounge chair multipurpose multi lounge chair lounge chair harlequin quilt sofa
Fairway Consult AS Human Capital

Fairway Consult AS Human Capital « human

(Hits: 247;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 30, 2015, human)
Fairway Consult A/S er en konsulentvirksomhed som arbejder med HR rettet mod den private og offentlige sektor, herunder det rummelige arbejdsmarked

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Hair by Stella - Ethnic House - Hair extensions african salon since 1991
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Ruby Sound

Ruby Sound « human

(Hits: 241;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 13, 2015, human)
Ruby Sound Crew: King T, Human B og Cherry Bow. Århus-sound, vælter byen med reggae og dancehall. Ruby Sound på facebook Ræk ud til os på booking rubysound.dk eller 53371224. Stor op!
Wild'n'Fun | Aktiviteter i Holstebro - Gokart, Laser Game, Adventure Golf, Stjernetræf, Sumo fi
Wild'n'Fun i Holstebro er specialister i at arrangerer en uforglemmelig god dag for alle - ung som gammel. Prøv f.eks. gokart, lasergame, adventure golf eller en af de andre 8 spændende forlystelser hos Wild'n'Fun.

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Natural Language Interaction Technology

Natural Language Interaction Technology « human

(Hits: 239;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 8, 2015, human)
Natural Language Interaction technology allows people to converse with electronic devices in a human-like and intelligent manner

nli technology natural language
Nature and Human Health – University of Copenhagen

Nature and Human Health – University of Copenhagen « human

(Hits: 239;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 18, 2015, human)
The aim of this website is to establish a platform where information and experiences can be shared between scientists and practitioners and greater knowledge about nature and human health relations can be accumulated.

university of copenhagen