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Institute of Global Food Farming

Hits: 257, hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 25, 2015
Institute of Global Food Farming
Institute of Global Food Farming
LINK : igff.dk
Land: Danmark
søgeord 1: agribusiness
søgeord 2: agro food
søgeord 3: agriculture policy
søgeord 4: aquaponic
søgeord 5: consultancy
søgeord 6: development
søgeord 7: east africa
søgeord 8: market survey
søgeord 9: organic
søgeord 10: organic value chain
IGFF is a private institute founded by Dr. Paul Rye Kledal. With the background of an agricultural economist (cand.oceon.agro) specialized in natural resource economics, long term expertise has been acquired within organic sector analysis, policy ad